I have been working my way through my fabric stash this summer, so over the past two months I have been picking up some of the sewing tools that I have been wanting for a few years, and some fun fabrics.
Some of the tools for sewing that are the most helpful are things that you would never think of--such as these extra large washers that work as pattern weights! They are just heavy enough that they keep your pattern and fabric still while cutting, but they are still small enough that you can use them while cutting out smaller pieces. I started by picking up 4 (they were a dollar per weight at the fabric store that I bought them at), and then I picked up another 4 the last time I went. I have found that 8 is the perfect amount, especially for cutting out large skirt pieces.
If you can't find weights like this, there are lots of other things that can be used, such as large stones or hand-sewn hackey sack weights.
In this first photo, I also have a fabric that I found for a Thanksgiving/autumn dress and an adorable card that I want to frame for my sewing room.

One of the most exciting things that I got this summer are these beautiful LDH scissors! Since I started sewing clothing I have been using my moms scissors. It was lovely being able to pick out my own pair. This is from a Canadian company, and I chose a 9" pair with a very sharp point, which is perfect for clipping seam allowances. At the same time, I picked up a pair of pinking shears from the same company. I love how a pinked seam looks, so I use them often. I also got a new pair of paper scissors (the pink and gold ones in the middle) since my last ones were very flimsy and I had gotten them for free with a sewing kit quite a few years ago.
Underneath the scissors is the cutest quilting cotton that I found, which has hand crank sewing machines on it! I just recently cut out a 50's style dress from this fabric, and I am sewing it right now. I am ridiculously excited to be able to match my sewing machine.

A few months ago I got this gorgeous light blue swiss dot (which I made into a 1930's style dress last week). I loved working with it so much that I decided to go back and get some more in a different colour. I am thinking of using this cinnamon swiss dot with one of the Vintage Vogue patterns that I have (this one, specifically).

Every time that I go into a fabric store that has zippers I always pick up a bunch in different colours. We don't have any large sewing shops in Airdrie, so the only places that we can get zippers is either Walmart or the local quit shop (it is the best quilt shop, bu they only have a few colours of zippers). I have quite the rainbow now, which is actually so satisfying to sort through.

The last fabric that I got is this cute, kitchy Christmas print! I wanted to make some themed dresses this year, and so far I have the fabric for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Halloween dresses. I have already cut this pattern out and I can't wait to start working on it.

Last but not least is this little 'seamstress' pin. For some reason I love pins like this, so I grabbed one right away to pop on my bag.
Thanks for reading! I am so excited to get working on all of these new projects:)